Inclination sensors (QG series)

The QG series of inclination sensors measures angles in 1 or 2 axes. These products are based on robust MEMS technology, in which capacitance differences can be converted into an analogue voltage within a micro-mechanical sensor chip. This analogue voltage is proportional to the angle to which the sensor is exposed. The modular design makes it easy to adapt the sensors to specific requirements.

How does an inclinometer work?

An inclination sensor is used in situations where accurate positioning or constant monitoring of the angle in relation to gravitational pull is essential. An inclination sensor measures the angle with respect to a horizontal position, whereby an imaginary line from the center of the earth serves as a reference.



Easy to mount

An inclination sensor has a very wide range of applications since it can be mounted anywhere and offers flexibility in mechanical design. The sensor output has two components: a static (slope) component and a dynamic (acceleration) component. The sensor output is always a combination of these two components. The inclination sensors from DIS have a standard bandwidth of 10 Hz, although it is possible to reduce this bandwidth further at the client’s request.


Levelling, tilt protection, roll and pitch measurement, angle measurement


Concrete pumps, cranes, elevated work platforms, solar panels,
air suspension systems, agricultural machinery

Types of inclination sensors

DIS inclination sensors are available with the following general specifications:

Single axis measurement range: ±10°; ±30°; ±90°; 0 – 360°
Double axis measurement range: ±10°; ±30°; ±90°
Analogue output:  0.5 – 4.5 V or 4 – 20 mA
Digital output: CANopen (Safety); RS232
Level of protection: IP67 (optional IP68 of IP69K)
Programmable: filtering, measuring range
Zeroing possibilty: depends on model
Functional safety: SIL2/PLd (optional)
Housing: (reinforced) plastic or stainless steel

More information

Useful documents for QR sensors, like the family overview, EDS files and manuals, can be found under downloads.


We have a wide range of accessories available to make sure the rotary encoder will perform at its best potential. Please take a look at accessories for an overview. If you are looking for an accessory that’s not on the list, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Product selector

Use the product selector to help decide which type of rotary encoder is best suited to your specific needs. If you can’t find the sensor you want, contact us. Together, we may be able to find you a sensor or develop one that will meet your requirements.

DIS Sensors is the partner for all your professional sensors. Besides inclination sensors we also have high quality:

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