FSE-112 Mass Flow Sensor Electronics Modules


  • Silicon-MEMS sensor measurements.
  • FLS112 bidirectional flow sensor.
  • Reference electronics design with hosted Flusso firmware.
  • Fully temperature-compensated readings.
  • SDK available to modify the application layer and utilise spare microcontroller resources.
  • 10-pin host interface connections with I2C interface.
  • Fully compatible with Flusso’s GUI for quick evaluation.
  • Mass flow reading can also be converted to volumetric flow or differential pressure.


Flusso’s FSE-112 sensor electronics modules use the company’s proprietary MEMS-based sensor technology to detect bidirectional gas flow, differential pressure and temperature.

The FSE-112 modules incorporate Flusso’s firmware hosted on a microcontroller to drive the sensor and provide calibratable measurements.

By combining the advanced FLS112 sensor with Flusso’s reference electronics design, these modules offer optimal functionality and sensing performance.

Additionally, the FSE-112 modules are designed for easy mechanical integration into final products, helping to accelerate and simplify route to market for manufacturers.

If required, Flusso can also provide comprehensive support for fluidic and mechanical integration.


  • Industrial
  • HVAC
  • Drone
  • Medical


  • Peripheral or axial measurements directly into your gas stream.
  • Proprietary MEMS-based technology.
  • Reference electronics for optimal sensing functionality.
  • Application-specific custom calibration available.
  • Comprehensive support from Flusso.



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